Welcome to All,

I bid you, Dear Friends, come across my threshold with a light heart and a listening ear. Please join me with a cup of tea, enjoy my needle work and listen to my tales of Blackstone. The cottage is 300years old and is now part of the main house, it is my favorite place. The studio is above the stables and dear Kip, my black cat, keeps me company as I dream and sew. I am truly a lover of past times, you will see this as I add pictures of my work. Please visit often, you are always welcome.

Tuesday, August 2

It seems the summer is coming to an end and with it my time away from the studio. I am busily sorting witch, pumpkin and bat patterns and my thoughts are turning to the frosty Autumn days. My All Hallows Eve characters will be arriving in all their spooky finery. Please greet them at this blog and From the Hands of a Seamstress.  

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